Tips To Not Take Sleep For Granted

Sleep interrupted by stress. It’s kept me from sleep for about three weeks now, and it’s really starting to affect me. Life is hectic. Like while going to school full-time and working two jobs, usually you can count on sleep for some relief, but it’s avoided me lately and I miss it so. My sleep schedule has become messy, resulting in sleep from 1am to 6am, every day. Here are some tips to get the most out of your sleep time: Continue reading

Things I’ve Learned From Parks and Rec’s Leslie Knope (Part 1)

Leslie Knope has easily been one of the funniest characters to ever be on television. She’s free-spirited, goofy, eccentric, but she’s also friendly, loyal, kind and inspiring. She started as a lower level, Parks and Recreation maintenance employee in Pawnee, Indiana, which was, “first in friendship, fourth in obesity.” Continue reading

Tips To Boost Your Self-Esteem On A Hard Day

What a week. An emotional rollercoaster of stress and self-doubt, mixed in with the backlash over an article I wrote for Untitled TV. I love hearing alternative opinions on the topic at hand, but death threats seem a bit excessive. But it comes with the territory. For those like me, I’ve always struggled with self-worth and after years of mastering practices, I’ve been able to distract myself until it went away, which definitely helped this week. Continue reading

Pretty Little Liars 6×13: “The Gloves Are On”

The girls are violently thrusted back into the world of Rosewood, Pennsylvania, after they become persons of interest in the murder of Charlotte DiLaurentis. With the police lurking, coyly accusing them of murder, each struggles with past and present secrets, except for Hanna, who has become nothing less than perfect in her 5 years away. Continue reading

Reign Season 3, So Far

When Reign ended last season, Queen Elizabeth was hot on Mary, Queen of Scots’ trail, calling for her death and her mission annihilate any others who lay claim to the English throne. Francis, accepting his forthcoming death, moved onto the final chapter of his life, and reconciled with Mary, who had an affair with Prince Conde, who knows what the hell happened to him, after her attack in the last midseason finale. Continue reading